Experiencing pain in your TMJ joint is common, but it can decrease your life’s quality by making even the simplest tasks like eating and speaking difficult. But do not worry. Medical experts like Dr. Robert Garelick can help ease your discomfort and restore your life’s quality. Various reasons could cause stiffness, persistent pain, swelling, and popping, including lifestyle choices, arthritis issues, or trauma to the jaw. Since understanding the cause of your condition is a step towards managing the complication, here are five common reasons your TMJ joint is painting.
Poor Postures
It is good to watch out for your daily posture to avoid complications. Some improper alignments cause back pain headaches and lead to TMJ pain. You can develop a misaligned spine and a protruding jaw, resulting in pain in your joints. If you spend more time seated while driving or working from a computer, you will likely experience posture and alignment issues, including TMJ pain. Therefore, evaluate how you spent your day when you experienced persistent TMJ pain.
Poor Eating Habits
The TMJ joint is responsible for the opening and closing of your mouth. Therefore, it plays a vital role in tasks like eating and speaking. When you are ford of eating too hard, challenging, and chewy foods, it could be the beginning of your pain or escalate your symptoms if you are already enduring TMJ disorder. Such eating habits cause muscle fatigue and pressure, which can cause painful flair-ups. Therefore, check on your habits and avoid any exaggerated habits. If you already have a TMJ disorder, please stick to soft foods and take small bites at a time. Also, avoid chewing gum or anything that will keep you chewing for a long time.
Stress has become one of the most adverse effects on the body. It is common to experience TMJ problems due to stressful situations as your body’s natural response. When you experience increased muscle tension, especially on your shoulders, neck, and head, you can experience painful swelling in your TMJ joint. Also, increased stress levels can cause grinding or clenching of teeth, and lack of sleep can worsen TMJ disorder symptoms.
Hormonal Changes
You might not know this, but you can experience inflammation in the joints, including the jaw joint, due to a sudden increase or decrease in your hormonal levels. Additionally, you can experience swelling and pain in the affected joints. This condition is more common in women than men, mainly due to fluctuations in estrogen and progesterone in their bodies throughout adulthood.
Dehydration affects your joints, including the TMJ joint. Remember that the joints require sufficient hydration to maintain lubrication and function. Therefore, estimate how much water you take daily to see if this is a possible reason for your painful joint. Without adequate water, you will experience inflammation and pain in your muscles and joints, including your TMJ joint. Ensure you consult your doctor on the right amount of water you should take daily.
The list of possible causes of TMJ pain is long. Therefore, the best way to understand the real deal with your joint is to get an accurate diagnosis from your doctor. Reach out to the TMJ pain specialist at Chase Dental Sleep Care for help. You can also get in touch through an online appointment.