Best TMJ Exercises for Pain Relief 

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) connects your mouth to your skull and serves as a hinge. It allows you to communicate, chew, and yawn by moving your jaw up and down and side to side. When it is not working properly, though, it can be really painful. When it comes to TMJ Treatment Jasper, your doctor might recommend a few different things.

One of the best things you can do for TMJ pain is exercises that stretch and strengthen the muscles around the joint. These exercises can help to reduce pain and improve the range of motion. You can do these exercises at home, and you do not need any special equipment. Your doctor or physical therapist can show you how to do them.

It is beneficial to consult a specialist to understand what other treatments might be recommended to you. The doctors will be able to assess your case and come up with a treatment plan that is best for you.

Here are a few exercises that your doctor might recommend:

Chin tucks

It is a simple exercise that you can do anywhere, at any time. Sit up tall with your shoulders down and back to do a chin tuck. Gently tuck your chin towards your chest, hold for a few seconds, and release. Repeat this 10 times.

Jaw opening and closing

This exercise is good for stretching the muscles around your TMJ. To do it, sit up tall with your shoulders down and back. Gently open your mouth as wide as possible, hold for a few seconds, and then close it. Repeat this more than 5 times and avoid opening your mouth too wide.

Jaw side-to-side

This exercise helps stretch the muscles and ligaments on either side of your jaw. To do it, sit up with your shoulders down and also back. Gently move your jaw from side to side, holding for a few seconds in each position. Your doctor will recommend how far you should move your jaw.

Neck rolls

This exercise stretches the muscles in your neck, which can help relieve tension in your TMJ. To do it, sit up tall with your shoulders down and back. Gently roll your head from side to side, holding each position for seconds. Avoid rolling your head too far forward or backward.

Shoulder rolls

This exercise stretches the muscles in your shoulders, which can help to reduce tension in your TMJ. To do it, sit up tall with your shoulders down and back. Gently roll your shoulders forward 10 times and then backward 10 times.

Head tilts

This exercise stretches the muscles in your neck and shoulders, which can help to reduce tension in your TMJ. You can exercise while sitting or standing. To do it, slowly tilt your head to the right, then to the left. Repeat this 5 times.

These are just a few of the exercises that your doctor might recommend. If you are not sure how to do them, or if you have any pain, be sure to ask your doctor at Advanced Dental Care of East Texas. They can show you how to do the exercises correctly and help you figure out which ones are best for you.