5 Least Known Facts About Regenerative Medicine

Your body has its healing powers. Despite the natural process, you may feel the need to boost the healing. This is where regenerative medicine comes in to employ techniques to enhance these abilities in managing different medical complications. Genesis regenerative sports and aesthetics medicine uses advanced treatments to manage musculoskeletal issues like osteoarthritis, rotator cuff tear, Achilles strains, tennis or golfer’s elbow, herniated discs, and degenerative discs. Since some areas in the medical field involve generating tissues and organs for human implantation in the laboratory, several misconceptions surround the treatment. It is crucial to learn the truth, and here are some facts about regenerative medicine.

It Involves the use of Small Molecules and Cell Structures.

In regenerative medicine, your body’s healing ability is enhanced using small cell structures and molecules responsible for reproduction and growth. Tissues like muscle, bone, and skin promote healing in an affected body area. When a disease has destroyed an organ or tissue, the initial tissue in restoring the affected part involves using stem cells. Your doctor can also repair or replace damaged heart cells using stem cells using tissues that have been grown in the lab. The best part is that the cells are designed and programmed to resemble the original cells.

Its Focus is on Diseases of the Heart

Although regenerative medicine can be used to manage multiple health complications, scientists are focused on developing regenerative therapies for heart diseases and complications. There have been several breakthroughs, and some ways have been found to replace damaged heart cells. As mentioned earlier, damaged heart muscle cells can be replaced using stem cells manufactured in the laboratory. The advancements in stem cell technology are promising, making it possible to create new organs and tissues where no organs are available for transplants.

It Involves Using Stem Cell Technology

Regenerative medicine has extensively employed stem cell technology in regenerating body organs. This offers an alternative to transplants and has been proven more effective in some instances. Remember that there could arise cases of the immune system rejecting some foreign organs and tissues donated for transplant. Stem cell therapy uses its organs and tissue, meaning there are fewer chances of rejection, minimizing the risks involved in immune rejection. The findings of regenerative medicine are still promising.

It is Out of the Laboratory

Previously, regenerative medicine has been in laboratory experiments. However, they are now available for clinical applications after being effective and manageable. It is now possible to use a lab-grown heart muscle to substitute for a damaged heart. Regenerative medicine also makes it possible to generate new tissues with damaged cells and can be used to manage various diseases.  Additionally, these treatments are just the beginning since the medical field can help you live a healthier and longer life.

Tissue Engineering and Stem Cell Therapy are the Most Promising

There are several promising regenerative medicine applications, but stem cell therapy and tissue engineering top the list. The techniques involve using human tissue cells to repair damaged tissue. The technologies can also be used to save a life in emergencies, like when the heart muscle is damaged.

Explore more about regenerative medicine at Genesis Orthopedic and Spine. Book your consultation appointment today and learn how you can gain from this medical area. You can make a call or book your appointment online.