Learn more about the causes and treatment options available for bunions

Did you know that bunions are more common in women than men? The answer is yes because bunions usually occur due to the continued wearing of extremely tight shoes. In this case, women are victims because some of their shoes, especially heels, are usually small in the front. And if you are used to putting them on without any protective cloth, you are more likely to have bunions. Usually, bunions are characterized by a bump around the base of your big toe. If you start noticing a bump around your big toe, you must seek help before it progresses, forming a deformity. Therefore, if you have started noting a bump at the base of your big toe and seek diagnosis and treatment, bunions Bakersfield specialists are here to your rescue. Various innovative therapies and treatments alleviate your discomfort and prevent bunions. Let’s learn more about bunions below.

What are bunions?

A bunion, also referred to as hallux valgus, is a problem that often affects the base of your big toe joint, leading to the formation of a bump. In most cases, they usually develop because of changes in the framework of your feet’ front bones. This misalignment forces your big toe to face inwards, bending towards your second toe instead of facing straight forward. As a result, your big toe joint sticks out, forming the bunion bump.

What are the causes of bunions?

The specific underlying cause of bunions is not yet known. Still, it is at times viewed as a genetic condition, especially if you inherit specific mechanics and structures of the foot. The type of shoes you wear also increases your risk of developing bunions, especially very tight or heeled shoes.

When should you seek medical help for bunions?

If you begin noting a bump at the base of your big toe or you suspect that you might have a bunion, you are supposed to seek medical attention. You may also have decreased big toe movement, chronic big toe or foot pain, or difficulty finding fitting shoes due to your bunion. Mainly medical evaluation helps treat bunions, and early evaluation and treatment reduce the severity of bunion symptoms.

How are bunions treated?

Your health care specialist usually creates an individualized treatment plan for bunions depending on your symptoms, the severity of the deformity, and how it affects your quality of life and health. Some cases might only require regular monitoring and x-rays. For others, especially if bunions are causing pain, some non-surgical intervention may be required, including icing, wearing a wide toe box, orthotics, activity modification, padding to avoid irritating your skin, corticosteroid injection to reduce inflammation, or medications to alleviate pain. However, if the above non-surgical methods are ineffective in alleviating pain or your bunions are complicated, your care provider may request surgical interventions to correct your foot deformity.

Bunions cause pain and may cause difficulties when finding shoes that fit you, especially if the bump is big. Therefore, if you have started noticing a bump around your big toe and seek diagnosis and treatment for bunions, you can start by booking your appointment at Diabetic Foot & Wound Center today.