Chronic pain is typical among many people, and most of them ignore it or mask it with pain relievers. The pain can affect anyone and result from a variety of causes. Each cause is unique in that it may determine whether treatment or management is possible. This pain can affect different body parts, with a typical one the Dallas neck pain. Neck pain and how it can be dealt with are discussed further below.
What is Neck pain?
The neck includes vertebrae that run from the upper torso to your skull. Cervical discs absorb shock between the bones. Movement in your neck and head support is enhanced by the muscles, bones, and ligaments. Neck pain or stiffness may arise from inflammation, abnormalities, or injury cases.
Cases of mild neck stiffness or pain are typical among most people. This is usually due to overuse, poor posture, or awkward sleeping positions. However, you may require to see a physician if this neck pain has arisen from a severe ailment or injury. Medical attention may also be necessary if the neck pain lasts for more than a week or is severe.
Symptoms of neck pain can vary in duration and severity. It is often acute lasting for several days. In other cases, it may be chronic interfering with your daily activities or result in disability. Common examples of these symptoms include:
- A stabbing or sharp pain that focuses on one area
- A sensation of stiffness or your neck being stuck due to the reduced range of movement
- The pain may radiate to your shoulders, trunk, head, or arms. Numbness, weakness, or tingling in your hands or arms may also be felt if compressed nerves cause the pain. A pinched nerve may cause symptoms of sharp or burning pain from your neck down across the arm.
- Twisting, moving, or extending the cervical spine up and down or side to side may exacerbate the pain
- Physical examination of your cervical spine can increase neck pain
- A cervicogenic headache can come about if the pain begins in your neck. This can be a symptom of a migraine headache.
Neck pain or stiffness can result from multiple reasons, including:
- Injury
- Muscle strain and tension
- Meningitis
- Heart attack
- Other ailments like osteoporosis and fibromyalgia
Treatment of neck pain depends on what the cause is. Some typical treatment options include:
- Stretching, exercise, and physical therapy
- Heat and ice therapy
- Corticosteroid injections
- Pain medications
- Neck collar
- Muscle relaxants
- Antibiotics in cases of infection
- Traction
- Hospital treatment of the underlying condition causing it
- Surgery on rare occasions
Alternative therapies used include:
- Chiropractic treatment
- Acupuncture
- Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation
- Massage
- Spinal cord stimulation hides pain signals before they get to the brain through the use of a spinal cord stimulator device surgically placed under the skin
Most neck pain cases are due to poor lifestyle habits like muscle strain and poor postures. Improving on these aspects typically eliminates the issue, but medical intervention may be necessary if ineffective. For any neck pain inquiries, check out our website, or call our offices in Dallas, TX.