Treatment Techniques for Plantar Fasciitis

Your heel is connected to the foot front by a web-like ligament known as the plantar fascia. It acts as a shock absorber and supports your foot arch, helping you walk. Plantar fasciitis happens when your plantar fascia is irritated or inflamed due to stress or over-tightening. It is the most common cause of heel pain. Plantar fasciitis Mill Creek can result from abnormal foot structure, flat feet, high arches, and walking on hard surfaces. Being obese and spending long hours on your feet can also cause this condition. Plantar fasciitis can become severe, affecting your motion, but there are various treatment options available, and here are some.


Over-the-counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen can help reduce swelling and ease the pain.  


If medications do not ease your pain, your doctor can inject corticosteroid directly into the affected ligament. Avoid repetitive injections as they can weaken or rupture your plantar fascia. Platelet-rich plasma taken from your blood can be injected into the affected part to stimulate tissue healing.

Physical therapy

Physical therapy is an essential treatment for plantar fasciitis. It helps to stretch your plantar fascia and Achilles tendons. Your physician will show you the correct exercises to strengthen your lower leg muscles, stabilize your walk, and reduce the workload on your plantar fascia.

Shock wave therapy

Your doctor can recommend wave therapy if your pain does not disappear after other treatments. The treatment involves directing sound waves to your heel to stimulate healing within the ligament. After the treatment, you can get side effects like bruises, swelling, pain, and numbness, but they will vanish within a few days.

Stretching exercises

You can do gentle stretches to help relieve and prevent plantar fasciitis. Stretching the calves and plantar fascia helps loosen the muscles and minimize heel pain. Avoid vigorous exercises like running to give your plantar fascia period to heal. Engage in low-impact activities like swimming which cannot worsen your heel pain. Your doctor can recommend the stretches best for your plantar fasciitis.


You will need surgery if other treatment options have not worked and your pain is severe or lasts more than six months. There are two surgeries that your surgeon can use, and they include:

Gastrocnemius recession

Your physician can recommend gastrocnemius recession if you have difficulties flexing your feet. The surgery focuses on lengthening your calf muscle to improve ankle motion and foot flexibility and relieve stress on the plantar fascia. Tight calf muscle can add pressure on your plantar fascia. Studies show that this surgery improves foot functions and minimizes pain in chronic plantar fasciitis.

Plantar fascia release

This procedure involves your surgeon cutting part of your plantar fascia ligament to help relieve tension resulting in reduced inflammation. Plantar fascia release can involve minor cuts to your ligament or detaching your plantar fascia from the heel bone. Your surgeon can do the surgery endoscopically or through open surgery. Plantar fascia release reduces tension, but it can also weaken the foot arch leading to loss of full function.

Treatment for plantar fasciitis helps to ease pain and improve your movement. Schedule an appointment at Hansen Foot & Ankle for plantar fasciitis treatment to resume your regular walking.