A person loses about 100 strands a day on average. Most of the time, these lost strands are replaced by new ones, but when they are not, the problem arises. Hair loss and hair thinning can be due to many reasons. It could be permanent or temporary. It could be caused by your genetic disposition or hormonal imbalance, or stress. Whenever you are facing hair loss, you should head over to Toronto Hair Transplant Clinic. Your consultation will help you to understand your hair loss better. Here is how the process of diagnosis works.

Book your consultation

Before you decide to undergo a hair transplant procedure, you must get a diagnosis first. In order to undergo a hair transplant procedure, it is crucial to have the diagnosis of androgenic alopecia or any other hair loss. Then, based on the type of hair loss you are going through, the treatment options will be discussed. During your consultation, the surgeon will examine your scalp, hair, and health. Then, they will ask you questions and take a complete picture of your health. Based on that, they will suggest a treatment plan.

What are some of the causes of hair loss?

Androgenic Alopecia, a genetic predisposition, is one of the most common causes of hair loss. But there are other not-so-known reasons which can also cause hair loss. Extreme stress, malfunctioning of the thyroid gland, crash dieting, anemia, auto-immune disease. Medication, surgery, the tension in the scalp because of tight hairstyles or hair extensions, and hormonal imbalances are some of the causes which can cause hair loss.

What happens in the Scalp Exam?

Scalp examination is carried out before planning any hair restoration treatment. The test helps determine whether the hair fall is due to genetic disposition or if the hair fall is due to some other reason. During the examination, the surgeon will also consider the strand structure, the density of growth, hair count, and the condition of your scalp. The surgeon may perform something known as a hair pull test in which they pull a small bundle of hair gently without causing you any pain. It is carried out to see how many strands of hair fall out quickly when the hair bundle is released.

What are the other tests that help in diagnosis? 

After having undergone the scalp exam, you would require to undergo a blood test too. If the surgeon thinks that the hair loss is being caused due to a nutritional deficiency, hormonal imbalance, medication, or any other underlying issue, then the blood test would give them a better look at your health condition and diagnose the cause correctly. If the surgeon suspects any skin disease or scalp infection, they will scrape a small sample of skin or remove a few hairs to examine the roots. A scalp exam, along with the other tests, will help the surgeon to come to a clear diagnosis about your hair loss and come up with a plan to tackle it.